Source code for r2b2.tests.util

import json
import math
from random import randint

from r2b2.contest import Contest
from r2b2.contest import ContestType
from r2b2.election import Election

[docs]def generate_contest(size): """Generate a Contest with random data. For testing purposes only. Note: Currently this only generates 2 candidate Plurality contests with 1 winner. """ contest_ballots = size win_tally = randint(math.ceil(contest_ballots / 2), contest_ballots) tally = {'a': win_tally, 'b': contest_ballots - win_tally} return Contest(contest_ballots, tally, 1, ['a'], ContestType.PLURALITY)
[docs]def generate_election(max_size, max_contests=None): """Generate an Election with random data. For testing purposes only.""" name = 'TestElection' + str(randint(1, 100)) total_ballots = randint(1, max_size) if max_contests is None: max_contests = 20 num_contests = randint(1, max_contests) contests = {} for i in range(num_contests): contests[str(i)] = generate_contest(total_ballots) return Election(name, total_ballots, contests)
[docs]def parse_contest_list(json_file): """Parse a list of Contests from a JSON file. Note: Template for Contest format in JSON in contest_template.json """ with open(json_file, 'r') as json_data: data = json.load(json_data) contests = [] for contest in data: contest_ballots = data[contest]['contest_ballots'] tally = data[contest]['tally'] num_winners = data[contest]['num_winners'] reported_winners = data[contest]['reported_winners'] contest_type = ContestType[data[contest]['contest_type']] contests.append(Contest(contest_ballots, tally, num_winners, reported_winners, contest_type)) return contests
[docs]def parse_contest(json_file): """Parse a single Contest from a JSON file. Note: Template for Contest format in JSON in single_contest_template.json """ with open(json_file, 'r') as json_data: data = json.load(json_data) contest_ballots = data['contest_ballots'] tally = data['tally'] num_winners = data['num_winners'] reported_winners = data['reported_winners'] contest_type = ContestType[data['contest_type']] return Contest(contest_ballots, tally, num_winners, reported_winners, contest_type)
[docs]def parse_election(json_file): """Parse an Eleciton from a JSON file. Note: Templace for Election JSON format in election_template.json """ with open(json_file, 'r') as json_data: data = json.load(json_data) name = data['name'] total_ballots = data['total_ballots'] contests = {} for contest in data['contests']: contest_ballots = data['contests'][contest]['contest_ballots'] tally = data['contests'][contest]['tally'] num_winners = data['contests'][contest]['num_winners'] reported_winners = data['contests'][contest]['reported_winners'] contest_type = ContestType[data['contests'][contest]['contest_type']] contests[contest] = Contest(contest_ballots, tally, num_winners, reported_winners, contest_type) return Election(name, total_ballots, contests)