Source code for r2b2.simulation.athena

import random as r
from typing import List
from typing import Tuple

from r2b2.athena import Athena
from r2b2.simulator import Simulation
from r2b2.simulator import histogram

[docs]class AthenaOneRoundRisk(Simulation): """Simulate a 1-round Athena audit for a given sample size to compute risk limit.""" delta: float sample_size: int total_relevant_ballots: int vote_dist: List[Tuple[str, int]] audit: Athena def __init__(self, alpha, delta, reported, sample_size, db_mode=True, db_host='localhost', db_name='r2b2', db_port=27017, user='writer', pwd='icanwrite', *args, **kwargs): super().__init__('athena', alpha, reported, 'tie', True, db_mode, db_host, db_port, db_name, user, pwd, *args, **kwargs) self.sample_size = sample_size self.total_relevant_ballots = sum(self.reported.tally.values()) # FIXME: temporary until pairwise contest fix is implemented self.contest_ballots = self.reported.contest_ballots self.reported.contest_ballots = self.total_relevant_ballots self.reported.winner_prop = self.reported.tally[self.reported.reported_winners[0]] / self.reported.contest_ballots = delta self.audit = Athena(self.alpha,, 1.0, self.reported) if sample_size < self.audit.min_sample_size: raise ValueError('Sample size is less than minimum sample size for audit.') # FIXME: sorted candidate list will be created by new branch, update once merged # Generate a sorted underlying vote distribution sorted_tally = sorted(self.reported.tally.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) self.vote_dist = [(sorted_tally[0][0], self.total_relevant_ballots // 2)] for i in range(1, len(sorted_tally)): self.vote_dist.append((sorted_tally[i][0], self.total_relevant_ballots)) self.vote_dist.append(('invalid', self.contest_ballots))
[docs] def trial(self, seed): """Execute a 1-round athena audit (using r2b2.athena.Athena)""" r.seed(seed) # Draw a sample of a given size sample = [0 for i in range(len(self.vote_dist))] for i in range(self.sample_size): ballot = r.randint(1, self.contest_ballots) for j in range(len(sample)): if ballot <= self.vote_dist[j][1]: sample[j] += 1 break relevant_sample_size = self.sample_size - sample[-1] # Perform audit computations self.audit._reset() self.audit.rounds.append(relevant_sample_size) self.audit.current_dist_null() self.audit.current_dist_reported() point_null = self.audit.distribution_null[sample[0]] point_reported = self.audit.distribution_reported_tally[sample[0]] p_value = self.audit.compute_risk(sample[0], relevant_sample_size) if p_value <= self.alpha and * point_reported > point_null: stop = True else: stop = False return { 'stop': stop, 'p_value': p_value, 'delta_computed': (point_null / point_reported), 'sample_size': self.sample_size, 'relevant_sample_size': relevant_sample_size, 'winner_ballots': sample[0] }
[docs] def analyze(self, verbose: bool = False, hist: bool = False): """Analyze trials to get experimental risk. Args: verbose (bool): If true, analyze will print simulation analysis information. hist (bool): If true, analyze will generate and display 2 histograms: winner ballots found in the sample size and computed risk. """ if self.db_mode: trials = self.db.trial_lookup(self.sim_id) else: trials = self.trials num_trials = 0 stopped = 0 total_risk = 0 total_delta = 0 total_relevant_sampled = 0 winner_ballot_dist = [] risk_dist = [] delta_dist = [] for trial in trials: num_trials += 1 if trial['stop']: stopped += 1 total_relevant_sampled += trial['relevant_sample_size'] winner_ballot_dist.append(trial['winner_ballots']) total_risk += trial['p_value'] risk_dist.append(trial['p_value']) total_delta += trial['delta_computed'] delta_dist.append(trial['delta_computed']) if verbose: print('Analysis\n========') print('Underlying election is tied\n') print('Number of trials: {}'.format(num_trials)) print('Number of stopped: {}'.format(stopped)) print('Risk Limit: {:%}'.format(self.alpha)) print('Risk Computed: {:%}'.format(stopped / num_trials)) print('Delta Condition: {}'.format( print('Avg. Delta Computed: {}'.format(total_delta/num_trials)) if hist: histogram(winner_ballot_dist, 'Winner ballots found in sample of size: {}'.format(self.sample_size)) histogram(risk_dist, 'Risk (p_value) dist.') histogram(delta_dist, 'Delta (computed) dist.') # Update simulation entry to include analysis if self.db_mode: self.db.update_analysis(self.sim_id, (stopped / num_trials)) return stopped / num_trials
[docs]class AthenaOneRoundStoppingProb(Simulation): """Simulate a 1-round Athena audit for a given sample size to compute stopping probability.""" delta: float sample_size: int total_relevant_ballots: int vote_dist: List[Tuple[str, int]] audit: Athena def __init__(self, alpha, delta, reported, sample_size, db_mode=True, db_host='localhost', db_name='r2b2', db_port=27017, user='writer', pwd='icanwrite', *args, **kwargs): super().__init__('athena', alpha, reported, 'reported', True, db_mode, db_host, db_port, db_name, user, pwd, *args, **kwargs) = delta self.sample_size = sample_size self.total_relevant_ballots = sum(self.reported.tally.values()) # FIXME: temporary until pairwise contest fix is implemented self.contest_ballots = self.reported.contest_ballots self.reported.contest_ballots = self.total_relevant_ballots self.reported.winner_prop = self.reported.tally[self.reported.reported_winners[0]] / self.reported.contest_ballots self.audit = Athena(self.alpha,, 1.0, self.reported) if sample_size < self.audit.min_sample_size: raise ValueError('Sample size is less than minimum sample size for audit') # FIXME: sorted candidate list will be created by new branch, update once merged # Generate a sorted underlying vote distribution sorted_tally = sorted(self.reported.tally.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) self.vote_dist = [(sorted_tally[0][0], sorted_tally[0][1])] current = sorted_tally[0][1] for i in range(1, len(sorted_tally)): current += sorted_tally[i][1] self.vote_dist.append((sorted_tally[i][0], current)) self.vote_dist.append(('invalid', self.contest_ballots))
[docs] def trial(self, seed): """Execute a 1-round athena audit (using r2b2.athena.Athena)""" r.seed(seed) # Draw a sample of a given size sample = [0 for i in range(len(self.vote_dist))] for i in range(self.sample_size): ballot = r.randint(1, self.contest_ballots) for j in range(len(sample)): if ballot <= self.vote_dist[j][1]: sample[j] += 1 break relevant_sample_size = self.sample_size - sample[-1] # Perform audit computations self.audit._reset() self.audit.rounds.append(relevant_sample_size) self.audit.current_dist_null() self.audit.current_dist_reported() point_null = self.audit.distribution_null[sample[0]] point_reported = self.audit.distribution_reported_tally[sample[0]] p_value = self.audit.compute_risk(sample[0], relevant_sample_size) if p_value <= self.alpha and * point_reported > point_null: stop = True else: stop = False return { 'stop': stop, 'p_value': p_value, 'delta_computed': (point_null / point_reported), 'sample_size': self.sample_size, 'relevant_sample_size': relevant_sample_size, 'winner_ballots': sample[0] }
[docs] def analyze(self, verbose: bool = False, hist: bool = False): """Analyse trials to get experimental stopping probability""" if self.db_mode: trials = self.db.trial_lookup(self.sim_id) else: trials = self.trials num_trials = 0 stopped = 0 winner_ballot_dist = [] risk_dist = [] delta_dist = [] for trial in trials: num_trials += 1 if trial['stop']: stopped += 1 winner_ballot_dist.append(trial['winner_ballots']) risk_dist.append(trial['p_value']) delta_dist.append(trial['delta_computed']) # TODO: insert verbose and histograms # Update simulation entry to include analysis if self.db_mode: self.db.update_analysis(self.sim_id, (stopped / num_trials)) return stopped / num_trials