Source code for r2b2.contest

"""Contest module for handling individual contest data."""
from enum import Enum
from typing import Dict
from typing import List

[docs]class ContestType(Enum): """Enum indicating what type of vote variation was used in the contest.""" # TODO: Add additional vote variations from VVSG. PLURALITY = 0 MAJORITY = 1
[docs]class PairwiseContest: """Simple 2-candidate, no irrelevant ballot sub contests of a Contest.""" contest_ballots: int reported_winner: str reported_loser: str reported_winner_ballots: int reported_loser_ballots: int winner_prop: float def __init__(self, reported_winner: str, reported_loser: str, reported_winner_ballots: int, reported_loser_ballots: int): self.contest_ballots = reported_winner_ballots + reported_loser_ballots self.reported_winner = reported_winner self.reported_loser = reported_loser self.reported_winner_ballots = reported_winner_ballots self.reported_loser_ballots = reported_loser_ballots self.winner_prop = float(reported_winner_ballots) / float(self.contest_ballots)
[docs]class Contest: """Contest information from a single contest within an Election. Attributes: contest_ballots (int): Total number of ballots cast in the contest. irrelevant_ballots (int): Number of ballots not attributed to a candidate in the tally. candidates (List[str]): List of candidates in the contest sorted (descending) by tally. num_candidates (int): Number of candidates in the contest. num_winners (int): Number of winners desired from contest. reported_winners (List[str]): Reported winners from contest. Must be candidates from list of candidates, and length should match number of winners. Stored in same order as sorted candidates. contest_type (ContestType): What type of contest is this? tally (Dict[str, int]): Reported tally from contest as a dictionary of candidates to reported votes received. winner_prop (float): Proportion of ballots cast for reported winner. Currently for first winner listed in reported winners. sub_contests (Dict[str, Dict[str, List[int]]]): Collection of pairwise sub-contests for each (reported winner, candidate) pair where the reported winner has more than 50% of the total sub-contest ballots, i.e. where the reported winner has a greater reported tally than the other candidate. These pairs provide the two-candidate, no irrelevant ballots assumption required by some audits. """ contest_ballots: int irrelevant_ballots: int candidates: List[str] num_candidates: int num_winners: int reported_winners: List[str] contest_type: ContestType tally: Dict[str, int] sub_contests: List[PairwiseContest] def __init__(self, contest_ballots: int, tally: Dict[str, int], num_winners: int, reported_winners: List[str], contest_type: ContestType): if type(contest_ballots) is not int: raise TypeError('contest_ballots must be integer.') if contest_ballots < 1: raise ValueError('contest_ballots must be at least 1.') if type(tally) is not dict: raise TypeError('tally must be a dict.') else: for k, v in tally.items(): if type(k) is not str or type(v) is not int: raise TypeError('tally must contain str keys and int values') if sum(tally.values()) > contest_ballots: raise ValueError('tally total is greater than contest_ballots.') if sum(tally.values()) < 1: raise ValueError('tally must contain a total of at least 1 ballot.') if type(num_winners) is not int: raise TypeError('num_winners must be integer.') if num_winners < 1 or num_winners > len(tally): raise ValueError('num_winners must be between 1 and number of candidates.') if type(reported_winners) is not list: raise TypeError('reported_winners must be a list[str].') elif len(reported_winners) != num_winners: raise ValueError('reported_winners must be of length num_winners') else: for w in reported_winners: if type(w) is not str: raise TypeError('reported_winners must be a list[str].') if w not in tally.keys(): raise ValueError('reported winners must be candidates.') if type(contest_type) is not ContestType: raise TypeError('contest_type must be ContestType Enum object.') self.contest_ballots = contest_ballots self.irrelevant_ballots = contest_ballots = sum(tally.values()) self.tally = tally self.num_winners = num_winners self.reported_winners = [] self.candidates = sorted(tally.keys(), key=tally.get, reverse=True) self.num_candidates = len(self.candidates) self.reported_winners = sorted(reported_winners, key=self.candidates.index) self.contest_type = contest_type # For each reported winner get pairwise sub-contests where they have > 50% of the (sub)tally # These sub-contests provide the two-candidate, no-irrelevant ballots assumption self.sub_contests = [] losers = [c for c in self.candidates if c not in self.reported_winners] for rw in self.reported_winners: rw_ballots = self.tally[rw] for candidate in losers: if rw_ballots > self.tally[candidate]: self.sub_contests.append(PairwiseContest(rw, candidate, rw_ballots, self.tally[candidate]))
[docs] def __repr__(self): """String representation of Contest class.""" return '{}: [{}, {}, {}, {}, {}]'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.contest_ballots, self.tally, self.num_winners, self.reported_winners, repr(self.contest_type))
[docs] def __str__(self): """Human readable string representation of audit class.""" title_str = 'Contest\n-------\n' ballot_str = 'Contest Ballots: {}\n'.format(self.contest_ballots) tally_str = 'Reported Tallies:\n' for candidate in self.candidates: tally_str += ' {:<15} {}\n'.format(candidate, self.tally[candidate]) winner_str = 'Reported Winners: {}\n'.format(self.reported_winners) type_str = 'Contest Type: {}\n'.format(self.contest_type) return title_str + ballot_str + tally_str + winner_str + type_str + '\n'
[docs] def to_json(self): """Generate dict representation of Contest for use in a JSON file.""" return { 'contest_ballots': self.contest_ballots, 'tally': self.tally, 'num_winners': self.num_winners, 'reported_winners': self.reported_winners, 'contest_type': }